Category: General

Winter Walk Day

Embrace the weather ☃️ ❄️and celebrate Winter Walk Day on Wednesday, February 1, 2023, or any designated day throughout the month. It’s a great time to promote and participate in walking and physical activity!

Physical activity is essential to our health and well-being. Time spent outside is important for mental health, increased physical activity, and social well-being. Children who are active have improved ... Continue reading "Winter Walk Day"

Christmas Cookie Treat

Dear Parents, 

We are excited to celebrate Christmas and the St. Andrew  Spirit Week. Therefore, we will be providing each student with a nut-safe Vanilla Christmas Tree Terra Cotta Cookie during the week of December 19th, 2022. Please see the attached list of ingredients provided in the parent update on December 16th. . If you do not wish for your child to receive ... Continue reading "Christmas Cookie Treat"

Friendly Update for Week of Dec. 19th

Dear SAW Families,

The SAW school community is looking forward to celebrating a ” Holly Jolly” Christmas concert  with you on Wednesday, December 21st at 7:00 p.m. in the gymnasium..

Our upcoming events for the week of December 19 th are as follows:

St. Andrew Christmas Spirit Week Events:  ... Continue reading "Friendly Update for Week of Dec. 19th"

Monday, December 19 Wear Christmas Accessories Tuesday, December 20

Update for the Week of December 12th

Dear SAW Families,

We are looking forward to celebrating our Christmas Concert with you on December 21st at 7:00 p.m. Each family will receive two tickets to attend the concert. If extended family members or siblings not attending this school  would like to attend the concert they are more than welcome to join us for the dress rehearsal on December 21st at 1:00 ... Continue reading "Update for the Week of December 12th"